Gonorrhea is a very common STD. It is caused by a germ that grows quickly in the warm, moist areas of the body. The most common place it is found is in the |cervix|. It can also occur in the |mouth|, throat, |rectum|, and urinary tract. How To Get It: The disease is passed on through sex with an infected person. It is easier to get gonorrhea if a condom is not used. How It Is Transmitted: Gonorrhea is transmitted by passing germs (bacteria) from one person to another when having sex. What It Looks Like - What The Symptoms Are: Visible signs of gonorrhea usually appear within 2 to 10 days after ~infection~. Men may see a yellowish discharge from the penis and a burning sensation when urinating. Women may see a yellowish discharge from the |vagina| and have a burning sensation when urinating. Later difficulties are |bleeding| between periods, swollen joints, |fever|, or pain in the pelvic area. How You Get Tested For It: A health care provider will collect a fluid sample from the penis or |vagina| to be sent to a laboratory for a culture. This will take a few days for the results. Treatments: Gonorrhea is treatable and can be cured. ~Antibiotics~, in the form of an injection or pills, will be given to kill the bacteria. Follow the dosing instructions thoroughly. If Left Untreated: Would result in serious ~infections~. Women would be extremely vulnerable to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and possible sterility. Prevention: Use a condom and spermicide (nonoxynol-9)